2024 Single Season 1 starts May 27, 2024
Registration May 8 – 25, 2024
2024 Cycle 1 Tennis Lesson June 1- August 31
Registration May 8 – 27, 2024
Pick a League
Singles Women (Spring, Summer)
Women singles involves two players competing against each other, both players are women.
At the conclusion of the regular season, top finishers have the option of playing a few more weeks of playoff tennis.
Men Singles (Spring, Summer)
Men singles involves two players competing against each other, both players are men.
At the conclusion of the regular season, top finishers have the option of playing a few more weeks of playoff tennis.
Mixed Doubles (Fall, Winter)
In mixed doubles, you and a partner play against a team of two players on the other side of the net, using the full court between the baselines and the doubles sidelines. Team will consist of one man and one woman.
Spend some quality time with your playing partner, get great exercise, meet new people, and have fun doing it.
At the conclusion of the regular season, top finishers have the option of playing a few more weeks of playoff tennis.
Women Doubles (Fall, Winter)
In women doubles, you and a partner play against a team of two players on the other side of the net, using the full court between the baselines and the doubles sidelines. Team will consist of two women.
Grab your best girlfriend, sister, or spend some quality mom/daughter time, get great exercise, meet new people, and have fun doing it.
At the conclusion of the regular season, top finishers have the option of playing a few more weeks of playoff tennis.
Men Doubles (Fall ,Winter)
In men doubles, you and a partner play against a team of two players on the other side of the net, using the full court between the baselines and the doubles sidelines. Team will consist of two men.
Grab your best parnter, brother, or spend some quality father/son time, get great exercise, meet new people, and have fun doing it.
At the conclusion of the regular season, top finishers have the option of playing a few more weeks of playoff tennis.
How & When to Register
MTL will open registration for each season approximately 6 weeks prior to the season start date.
Each league must have minimum of 6 teams (players). If minimum is not reached, the league will be postponed until the next season and minimum number is reached.
Once the 6 teams (players) are reached you will be placed on a holding list until we reach the minimum for subsequent division. If minimum is not reached, you will be notified before the scheduled players meeting that your registration will be cancelled and you will receive a full refund.
2024 Singles Season 1 Starts: May 27, 2024
- Registration Opens: May 8, 2024
- Registration Closes: May 25, 2024
2024 Singles Season 2 Starts: August 5, 2024
- Registration Opens: July 7, 2024
- Registration Closes: August 3, 2024
2024 Doubles Season Starts: October 7, 2024
- Registration Opens: September 15, 2024
- Registration Closes: October 6, 2024
Registration Prices
An MTL membership allows a member to play in one or more leagues for the registered season, as long as the member meets the criteria set out for the specific leagues. Cost is $35.00 per season .
All memberships expire at the end of the season. Dues must be renewed before being placed on a roster for the next season. Once a membership is purchased, it is non-refundable.
MTL Overview
Muslim Tennis League provides flexible tennis leagues for adults. Here is a quick overview of the leagues:
- Each player must attend our MANDATORY players meeting that takes place 1 week prior to the start of a season.
- Each player will be asked to self assess play level, when they initially register with MTL.
- Leagues will be divided into small divisions based on final teams.
- Leagues are 5 matches of regular season play followed by 2-3 weeks of playoffs and finals.
- At the start of each season, you will receive a schedule clearly identifying each week’s opponent, and their contact information.
- Teams (player) contact their opponents throughout the season and schedule each match by its deadline.
- Record your scores, then track your season’s progress…all on Tennis Point.
- Each (player) must bring 1 unopened can of tennis balls to each game. For doubles, each team should have two cans.
- At the conclusion of the regular season, qualifying teams(players) have the chance to play in playoff! Finalists will compete in the Season Finals Event!
- Teams(players) are required to select a home court following home court facility requirements below.
- Division winners and semi-finalist winners receive bag tags.
- League Champions will receive bag tag along with the coveted Silver Metal Tray.
- Championship results and pictures are posted on the website!
Upcoming Events
2024 Singles Season 1 Starts: May 27, 2024
- Registration: May 8-25, 2024
- Players Meeting: May 26, 2024
- Finals: July 21, 2024
2024 Tennis Lesson Cycle 1 Starts: June 1, 2024
Community Play: June 2, 2024
Community Play: July 7, 2024
Community Play: August 4, 2024
2024 Singles Season 2 Starts: August 5, 2024
- Registration: July 7 – Aug 3, 2024
- Players Meeting: August 4, 2024
- Finals: September 29, 2024
Community Play: September 1, 2024
Community Play: October 6, 2024
2024 Doubles Season Starts: October 7, 2024
- Registration: Sept 15 – Oct 5, 2024
- Players Meeting: October 6, 2024
- Finals: December 1, 2024
Community Play: November 3, 2024
Tennis Level
The National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) is the official system for determining the levels of competition. The primary goal of the program is to help all tennis players enjoy the game by providing a method of classifying skill levels for more compatible matches.
The rating categories are generalizations about skill levels. You may find that you actually play above or below the category that best describes your skill level, depending on your competitive ability. The category you choose is not meant to be permanent, but may be adjusted as your skills change or as your match play demonstrates the need for reclassification. Ultimately your rating is based upon match results.
Players must rate themselves. Read all categories carefully and then decide which one best describes your present ability level. Be certain that you qualify on all points of all preceding levels as well as those in the level you choose.
This player has limited experience and is still working primarily on getting the ball into play.
This player needs on-court experience. This player has obvious stroke weaknesses but is familiar with basic positions for singles and doubles play.
This player is learning to judge where the ball is going although court coverage is weak. Can sustain a short rally of slow pace with other players of the same ability.
This player is fairly consistent when hitting medium paced shots, but is not comfortable with all strokes and lacks execution when trying for directional control, depth, or power. Most common doubles formation is one-up, one-back.
This player has achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots, but still lacks depth and variety. This player exhibits more aggressive net play, has improved court coverage, and is developing teamwork in doubles.
This player has dependable strokes, including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate shots, plus the ability to use lobs, overheads, approach shots and volleys with some success. This player occasionally forces errors when serving. Rallies may be lost due to impatience. Teamwork in doubles is evident.
This player has begun to master the use of power and spins and is beginning to handle pace, has sound footwork, can control depth of shots, and is beginning to vary game plan according to opponents. This player can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve. This player tends to over hit on difficult shots. Aggressive net play is common in doubles.
This player has good shot anticipation and frequently has an outstanding shot or attribute around which a game may be structured. This player can regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls and can put away volleys, can successfully execute lobs, drop shots, half volleys, overhead smashes, and has good depth and spin on most 2nd serves.
This player has developed power and/or consistency as a major weapon. This player can vary strategies and styles of play in a competitive situation and hits dependable shots in a stress situation.
6.0 to 7.0
The 6.0-player typically has had intensive training for national tournament competition at the junior and collegiate levels and has obtained a sectional and/or national ranking. The 7.0-player is a world class player.
League Champions & Awards
2020 Inaugural Fall Mixed Double League Champions
League champions are determined by the team with the highest score at the end of the season.
A match win scores 3 points, a and a loss 0 points.
Ranking is determined by points:
- When points are equal, by score for
- When that is also equal, by score against (reverse, obviously)
- When that is also non-conclusive, by least number of matches played.
2020 Inaugural Fall Mixed Double League Nomination Form
League Schedule & Ranking

Rules & Regulations
Scheduling Matches
Schedules are published on Tennis Point one week before the regular season starts. You can access your schedule from your Tennis Point app by:
- Selecting “Teams” at the bottom menu bar
- Selecting correct league from the list of ‘active’ leagues
- Selecting “Schedule” at the top menu bar
You can communicate with your opponents via text or phone or WhatsApp. We highly recommend that every phone conversation is followed up with a confirmation text. Save all text communication until the season is over in case there is a dispute. We can only resolve disputes based on documentation when teams do not agree on what has occurred. If your opponent has not responded to one form of contact or the other, then you must try both text and phone before you can score the match as a forfeit per our lack of contact rules.
Initial Contact
Contact each opponent at least 2 weeks prior to the match deadline. It is the responsibility of all teams to contact their opponents, not just the home team. You must make contact with your opponent at least 5 days prior to the deadline with an offer of 3 valid options to play or alternatively accept one of your opponents’ options or your opponent can score the match as a forfeit against you (assuming your opponent has attempted to contact you and made the proper offers by phone and email at least 5 days prior to the deadline). 5 days prior to the Sunday deadline is by midnight the preceding Monday.
Offer 3 Options (Dates) to Play!
Always start by offering your opponent 3 valid options to play! We cannot stress enough how important this is! Make sure you save text documentation of your offer and subsequent communication with opponents until the season is over. You must have offered your opponent 3 valid options to play or alternatively have accepted one of your opponents’ offers or your opponent can score the match as a forfeit against you (assuming your opponent has made the proper offers to you by phone and email).
Valid Options to Play
A valid option to play must follow these guidelines:
- Each option must be on different date!
- The date must fall in the 1 week period that ends on the match deadline. The deadline date is included in this period!
- An offer must be made with at least 24 hours notice to ensure that the other team has time to make arrangements for a court, find a babysitter, confirm with their partner or make other necessary arrangements.
- The match start time must also be included in your offer
Teams can choose to play any time as long as scores are entered by 11:00pm of the deadline but both teams would need to agree to any arrangements outside of the rules for scheduling.
Match Deadlines
Each match has a deadline shown on the schedule. No team is required to play the match past this deadline as long as they offer their opponent 3 valid options to play.
Default Times – Regular Season
If you and your opponent have both offered 3 valid options for playing the match but cannot agree on an option then the teams must play the match at the default time. If either team wants to play it at the default time, then they must give their opponents 48 hours notice that they want to do so. The other team must then play at the default time or forfeit the match.
- Default time is the date of the deadline at 10:00am
- Location will be South Fulton Tennis Center
- Price: $5 per player
Update Schedule
When both teams confirm the date and time of match, any team can update the schedule within Tennis Point. However, it is the responsibility of the Home Team to ensure the schedule is up-to-date.
To update schedule:
- Select ‘teams’ from the bottom menu bar
- Select appropriate match
- Select ‘schedulel’ from the top menu bar
Each team is allowed to cancel/reschedule a match one time with at least 24 hours notice with no penalty assuming there is still time to play by the deadline. If the match has already been rescheduled one time then it is up to the other team whether they will allow their opponent to reschedule it a second time.
If a match is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice or if the match is being canceled for the 2nd time, the match can be scored as a forfeit against the team that cancelled/rescheduled.
Each team/player will given ONE extension per seaon per league if a match is missed. To request an extension, player/team must submit an Extension Request form. CLICK HERE to access form. Extended match must be played by the end of the regular season.
The extension will count towards the team/player that submits the form. And they will not be allowed another extension during the current season.
Scheduling Etiquette
Please follow these simple but important suggestions for playing in the league:
- Always start the conversation by offering 3 valid options to play. We cannot stress how important this is!
- You should check your texts and voicemail regularly if you are in an active league. Teams must be able to contact you and get responses in a timely manner.
- You should never rely on text to communicate something that must be seen or responded to quickly. Pick up the phone!
- Don’t use ALL CAPS in an text- it is the same as YELLING!
- Consult with your partner before making offers to play. It is really frustrating when one player offers several options when their partner is not actually available.
- Do not assume that a match is confirmed without confirmation of the exact date and time from your opponents. You can’t say ‘If I don’t hear from you I’ll assume you confirmed.’
Home vs Away
Matches are designated as Home or Away on your schedule.
Home Court
Teams are required to select a team court and submit to during registeration.
Each player brings unopened can of balls (2 cans for doubles). All cans should be set taken out prior to match start. Match is to be played with one of the unopened cans. Winner takes home all cans.
Court Selection
Matches are to be played at the designeated home court unless both teams agree in writing to change the location when scheduling the match.
Home Court Facility Requirements
Courts must be reasonably maintained. Examples of courts that are not reasonably maintained include:
- Courts with cracking that is significant enough to impact the bounce of the ball or cause someone to lose their footing.
- Courts with surfaces that are buckled or uneven enough to impact the bounce of the ball or cause someone to lose their footing.
- Courts where net heights cannot be accurately adjusted or the height maintained throughout the match.
Court Availability & Reservations
The home team should provide a court reservation for a minimum of 2 hours to ensure that there is ample time to complete a match and to avoid an incomplete match being rescheduled at their opponents’ court. If the match cannot be completed in the timeframe provided, then the match should be handled as follows:
- Teams should reschedule the match for completion any time prior to the deadline.
- If one team wants to reschedule but the other team does not, then all completed games should be entered and a ‘Retire’ given to the team that does not want to complete the match.
- If both teams do not want to reschedule, then all completed games should be entered and the match marked as ‘Incomplete’
If the home team does not provide a playable court for the minimum timeframe for any reason (the reservation was for only 1.5 hours, the lights on a timer go out, the facility closes early, the facility did not have a reservation), then the match should be handled as follows:
- Teams should reschedule the match for completion any time prior to the deadline.
- The visiting team can require the match be completed at their courts (as long as the match started at the scheduled time and was not delayed due to the visiting team arriving late). Please consider that every drive to your opponents’ court is essentially another “away” match for whoever has to drive. This simply distributes the “away” matches in a reasonable manner.
- If one team wants to reschedule but the other team does not, then all completed games should be entered and a ‘Retire’ given to the team that does not want to complete the match.
- If both teams do not want to reschedule, then all completed games should be entered and the match marked as ‘Defaulted’
If a match is scheduled and confirmed by both teams and a court is not available at the match start time, the visiting team can score the match as a forfeit if the court does not become available within 20 minutes. However, if both teams agree, they can move to another location, or reschedule the match.
Changing Facilities
If the home facility is not available, the home team can offer a facility within 2 miles from the original facility (using Google Maps). If no other facility is available within 2 miles of the original facility, the visiting team can request that the match be played at the visiting team’s facility. If neither facility is available, teams must find a mutually agreeable public facility and court fees will be split between the teams.
Court Fees
The home team pays all necessary court and guest fees for their home matches. We do not require teams to split the fees since we want every team to have control over their expenses.
Driving Directions
The home team MUST ensure that they have submitted a good address. The driving directions to their courts will be available in Tennis Point. Therefore every home team should go to their “Schedule” in the Tennis Point app and click the driving direction for their facility then review that the address and driving directions are accurate. If the information is not correct, or if it is apparent that googlemaps does not take the visiting team to the courts, it is up to the home team to advise the league and to provide a good address and driving directions to each of their opponents in writing.
25 Mile Rule
If an away match is greater than 25 miles distance from your home court facility using Google Maps, you may request that the match be played at a public facility that is approximately midway between the two facilities. If there is no facility midway between the two, then the teams should choose a facility that results in neither team traveling more than 25 miles with the shortest distance given to the home team where possible. The court fees will be split between the two teams. If the teams cannot agree on a facility, contact us at 404-913-6763 and we will make a final decision.
If teams are in a division where they play someone twice and the 25 mile rule is applicable, teams must decide whether they will utilize the rule or not and it must be handled the same for both matches. In other words, if you are 25 miles away from an opponent, and you let them drive to your courts, you cannot then turn around and force them to meet you halfway when you have to travel to their courts.
Inclement Weather
Inclement weather is defined as precipitation (rain, snow, hail, sleet) or severe weather (temperature below 34 degrees or above 98 degrees Fahrenheit according to www.weather.com). Use the following guidelines in the event of inclement weather:
- If there is inclement weather, teams must contact each other via telephone to cancel a match. Do not assume that a match is cancelled!
- Teams should reschedule the match for completion prior to the deadline.
- If one team wants to reschedule but the other team does not, then any completed games should be entered and a ‘Retire’ given to the team that does not want to complete the match
- If both teams do not want to reschedule, then any completed games should be entered and the match marked as ‘Defaulted’
- If a regular season match that is scheduled on the last day of the season is interrupted, you must contact us immediately. We will extend the deadline for these matches by one day if this is reported but if we get no reports of issues by midnight, we will not extend the deadline.
- If a playoff match that is scheduled for the default time is interrupted, we will extend the deadline for these matches by one day if this is reported, but if we get no reports of issues by midnight, we will not extend the deadline.
Match Play
Adult Match Play
Adult Match Play rules are described below. CLICK HERE for the basics on how to play tennis.
Singles matches are best 2 out of 3 sets. Sets are won by the first to win 6 games by a margin of 2 games.
Double matches are 2 sets with 10 point tie breaker in lieu of a third set.
Two Point Margin:
The first team to win 6 games by a two game margin is the winning team.
A tennis tie-breaker is played when the game score in a set is 6-6. At this point, players will engage in a 7-point tie-break to decide the set. This means the first player to reach 7 points wins the tie-breaker.
If the score in the tie-breaker reaches 6-6, then a player must win by 2 points to capture the tie-break. For example, final tie-breaker scores in this scenario might be 8-6, 9-7, 10-8, etc.
There is no limit to how high the score can go in a tie-break. Some tie-breakers end 15-13 or even higher. The tie-breaker continues until one of the players wins by 2.
At the conclusion of the tiebreaker, the score is recorded as 7-6, meaning 7 games to 6 games won.
7 Point Tie-Break Rules
Tie breaker occur when a tennis game score is tied at 6-6. Tiebreaker points are scored numerically, “0”, “1”, “2”, “3” and so on, instead of “love”, “15”, “30”, and “40”.
Service Rotation for Doubles:
• The player or team that just served to even the set 6 – 6 will receive the serve in the tiebreaker. *
• To counter the advantage of serving, the player who starts serving will only serve one point. This player will serve this point from the right (deuce) side of the court.
• One player of the opposing team serves the next two points. Point #2 will be played from the left (ad) side of the court and point #3 will be played from the right (deuce) side.
• Players will take turns serving 2 points until the end of the tiebreaker.
• At 6 points total, or any multiple of 6 points total, teams switch sides of the court.
10 Point Tie-Break Rules
When the score in a double match is two sets all in a The team who first reaches 10 points by a margin of two points over the opponent(s) is the winner.
Order of Serving:
When a super tiebreaker is used as the final set, the original order of service continues. Before the start, though, doubles teams can change their order of serving and receiving, and this order remains until the end of the tiebreaker.
The team whose turn it is to serve, serves the first point of the tiebreaker. The next two points are then served by the opposing player or team. From then on each player or team alternates serving two points until the end of the tiebreaker
When to Change Ends:
Players change ends of the court after the first point and then after every six points.
Match Tiebreaker Scoring:
Points are simply scored 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. The first player or team to win 10 points by a two-point margin wins the match. If the score in the match tiebreaker becomes tied at 10 points, play continues until a player or team has a two-point lead.
Choice of Service / Court End
Choice of service / court end for the first game of the match is decided by a coin toss/racket spin/rock paper scissor at the start of the warm-up allowing teams to warm-up on the end of the court where they will begin play. Team winning the toss can either
- choose to serve or receive letting the opponent choose ends,
- choose ends letting the opponent choose to serve or receive, or
- require the opponent to make the first choice of service or ends and then taking the remaining choice.
Teams change ends after the first game and whenever the total number of completed games in a set is an odd number.
Coaching & Spectator Participation
The following guidelines apply to all spectators:
Coaching from a spectator is not allowed for anyone. Offering advice on rules, interpretation of rules, or making lines calls is not allowed from a spectator.
Teams are responsible for their spectators. Bad sportsmanship is not allowed from a spectator that is the guest of a team.
When a player/team violates a rule or does the following penalty will occur:
- First Offense: Warning
- Second Offense: Loose a point
- Third Offense: Loose a game
- Fourth Offense: Loose the set
- Fifth Offense: Loose the match
Once season is underway, players/teams are not allowed to play with an opponent until they the playoffs have ended.
Reporting Scores
Scores are entered on tennispoint.com (not the app)by:
- Selecting ‘teams’ on the bottom menu bar
- Selecting appropriate match
- Selecting the ‘Entre Score’ button
Scores can be entered anytime through 11:00 pm on the deadline for the match. Be sure to press ‘update score’ after scores have been entered and saved! The winning team should enter the score to ensure that they get credit for the match. However, anyone can enter the score.
Correcting Scores
Score corrections must be sent as soon error is realized but as late as 11:00pm on the deadline of the match.
Match Scoring
- Winning team should enter the score to ensure that they get credit for the match. However, anyone can enter the score.
- Winning team will receive 3 points for the match. Losing team will not receive any points.
If a team forfeits the match select ‘default’ next to that team – winning team will receive 3 points, forfeiting team will receive 0 points. - If a team retires from the match, enter all completed games then select ‘retire’ next to that team. Winning team will receive 3 points for the match. Losing team will not receive any points.
If the match is incomplete, enter all completed games. The team with the most games/set won will receive 3 points. Losing team will not receive any points. If the games won are equal, teams split points. - If the match is not played but it was not due to a forfeit or retire then no scores are entered. Neither team receives points.
- A set won by tie-break will be entered as 7 – 6 in favor of the team that wins the tie-break.
- All scores must be entered by 11:00pm on the match deadline.
- Any score corrections must be sent to us by 11:00pm on the match deadline.
Forfeited Matches
The following situations allow scoring the match as a forfeit against your opponent:
- A team does not respond to multiple attempts at contact by 5 days prior to the match deadline and offer 3 options to play or alternatively accept one of their opponents’ options. You MUST have made attempts to contact the team by phone and text and made the proper offers by 5 days prior to the deadline and you MUST be able to provide copies of text with the date and recipient phone number included in order to use this rule. 5 days prior to a Sunday deadline is by midnight the preceding Monday.
- A team does not offer 3 valid options to play (or alternatively accept one of your offers). You MUST have offered 3 valid options to play in order to use this rule.
- A team does not show up for a match within 20 minutes of a confirmed match start time.
- The home team cannot provide a court at the confirmed facility within 20 minutes of a confirmed match start time.
- A team cancels a scheduled match less than 24 hours from scheduled match start time.
- A team cancels a scheduled match twice regardless of advanced notice.
- A team cannot play a match at the default time after both teams have offered 3 valid options to play during the regular play period, and cannot agree on a date You MUST have notified your opponent that you want to utilize the default time with at least 48 hours notice.
- A team decides at any time they cannot play the match and must forfeit the match.
If the match is scored in the system as forfeit, but teams decide later to play the match, we will accept the scores via email to mtl@muslimahendure.org by 11:00pm on the match deadline.
Excessive Forfeits & Unscored Matches
You should avoid forfeiting your matches as it results in others in your division not getting the benefit of a full schedule. Teams with more than 2 matches that are forfeited or unscored in a league will be considered having excessive forfeits. A first case will be documented,second will receive a verbal warning and third will result in suspension from the league.
Teams that determine they cannot complete a season due to injury or other conflicts MUST report this to the league and withdraw as soon as possible so that an attempt at finding a replacement can be made.
Retired Matches
When a match is incomplete as the result of one player it is considered a “Retired” match. Circumstances that fall under a “retired” match may include:
- Cannot continue due to injury or illness
- Leaves due to personal reasons
- Failed to reserve enough court time to complete the match
- Failed to provide a court with working lights during evening play
- Player refuses to complete a match due to a disagreement
The “retired” player will lose the match, but will receive points for all games completed prior to stopping play. The opposing player receives the win and will receive 3 points.
Incomplete Matches
If two teams start a match but cannot complete it due to inclement weather or court availability issues, and both teams decide not to reschedule it at a later date, the match is considered incomplete. See scoring above for details on how incomplete matches are scored.
Playing After the Match Is Scored
If two teams agree to play a match that was previously scored as forfeited, retired or incomplete, contact us, and we will change the scores any time prior to 11:00pm on the deadline of the match.
Teams are also asked to take a photo of both teams at each match and submit photo in the WhatsApp group.
Pics will be used on Muslimahs Endure and Muslim Tennis League social media accounts.
The Muslimahs Endure Way
Open Match
All matches should open with Al-Fatiha.
Close Match
All matches should conclude with gratitude and Suratul Asr.
Gratitude a Muslimahs Endure traditional when all participants have an opportunity to express gratitudge for any of the many blessing that Allah has bestowed on us.
If salah falls during the time of your match, teams should be allowed to break to peform salah without penality. Game will resume where it left off.
Want to Join The League?
You want to join and we want you to join!